Friday, March 19, 2010

John 12

Today, I am reading John 12. I invite you to open your Bible and read along with me or find it online here.

Here is the verse/thought that stood out to me...

John 12

25 Those who love their life in this world will lose it. Those who care nothing for their life in this world will keep it for eternity.

I love the way Dr. Thomas Constable explains this verse, “Anyone who selfishly lives for himself or herself loses his or her life in the sense that he or she wastes it. Nothing really good comes from it. Conversely anyone who hates his or her life in the sense of disregarding one's own desires to pursue the welfare of another will gain something for that sacrifice. He or she will gain true life for self and blessing for the other person.” Has your life demonstrated a “love” or a “hate” for your life?

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