Monday, January 25, 2010


I am currently reading through 1 Peter. I invite you to open your Bible and read along with me or find it online here.

1 Peter 4

12 Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you.

13 Instead, be very glad - for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world.

14 So be happy when you are insulted for being a Christian, for then the glorious Spirit of God rests upon you.

15 If you suffer, however, it must not be for murder, stealing, making trouble, or prying into other people’s affairs.

16 But it is no shame to suffer for being a Christian. Praise God for the privilege of being called by his name!

Privilege. I appreciate Peter’s clarification regarding suffering in verse 15; but I was struck by the thought in verse 16 ... “Praise God for the privilege of being called by his name!” It is a privilege to be called a Jesus follower; too often, I live as if it is my right.

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