Wednesday, January 20, 2010


This past weekend, Jonathan continued our “How To Be Rich” series by talking about the opportunity we have to decide how we can be generous with our resources.

2 Corinthians 9:7

7 You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.”

Decide. As Jesus followers, we are called to decide in advance what we do with our resources. This past weekend, we passed out a handout that offered a challenge to make that decision. Below, you will find a copy of that challenge. We encourage you to reread it and pray about this opportunity to decide in advance.

I’m beginning in my generosity and will begin giving away _____ % of my income.

I’m taking the tithe challenge and will be giving away at least 10% of my income.

I’m already tithing (or beyond) and want to increase my generosity by giving away an additional _____ %.

I’m going to be showing generosity by: (please be specific) _______________________
I’m signing up for Financial Peace University.

Each week of this series, we have been building a thought about how we can be rich. As a reminder, here is what we have so far, “God has blessed me with more than I need. I am rich; but I will not trust my riches. I will trust the one who richly provides and since I have more I will do more and I will give more.”

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