Wednesday, October 21, 2009


This past weekend, Jonathan continued our “Love God. Love People.” series by talking about how we can love people by letting them know there is a God who loves them. One of the stories he referenced was when Jesus spoke with a Samaritan woman at a well. You can find the entire story at John 4:1-42.

John 4

28 The woman left her water jar beside the well and ran back to the village, telling everyone,

29 “Come and see a man who told me everything I ever did! Could he possibly be the Messiah?”

30 So the people came streaming from the village to see him.

39 Many Samaritans from the village believed in Jesus because the woman had said, “He told me everything I ever did!”

40 When they came out to see him, they begged him to stay in their village. So he stayed for two days,

41 long enough for many more to hear his message and believe.

Come. Who are you praying for on a daily basis that they would understand God’s love and Jesus’ grace? When was the last time you invited some to “come and see” what God’s love and Jesus’ grace are all about?

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