Thursday, July 31, 2008


We are currently following Paul’s second missionary journey. There is a link in the “sites” section that will allow you to interactively track his journey.

Acts 18
12 But when Gallio became governor of Achaia, some Jews rose up together against Paul and brought him before the governor for judgment. 13 They accused Paul of “persuading people to worship God in ways that are contrary to our law.” 14 But just as Paul started to make his defense, Gallio turned to Paul’s accusers and said, “Listen, you Jews, if this were a case involving some wrongdoing or a serious crime, I would have a reason to accept your case. 15 But since it is merely a question of words and names and your Jewish law, take care of it yourselves. I refuse to judge such matters.” 16 And he threw them out of the courtroom. 17 The crowd then grabbed Sosthenes, the leader of the synagogue, and beat him right there in the courtroom. But Gallio paid no attention.

Words. Words have great potential ... potential to unite and free and heal ... potential to divide and enrage and destroy. In this part of the story, the words Paul spoke had done both. They brought hope to some and stirred up anger in others. Your position (as a parent, spouse, employer, employee, friend) can also add weight to the power of your words. Interestingly, the words in Gallio’s ruling would carry tremendous weight in this spiritual revolution. As governor (or proconsul), his ruling set a precedence in other courts that provided legitimacy to this new movement of following Jesus. His words would provide at least a decade of time to openly and freely spread the gospel of Jesus within the Roman Empire. Have you weighed your words lately? Do your words provide healing and unity or division and destruction?

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